As a continuation of our Incubator project with Jeremy Weiss, we released a new version of the {azmetr} R package, which facilitates accessing AZMet data and automated QA/QC checks to alert managers to data issues.
In collaboration with the National Phenology Network, we are creating an analytical pipeline to estimate spatial trends in the time to reach different thresholds of growing degree days in the Northeastern USA.
We are working with David More and Yang Li of the School of Natural Resources & the Environment to build an analytical pipeline characterizing uncertainty in estimates of above-ground biomass, to help stakeholders make informed decisions about which data products to use for their needs.
In collaboration with Margaret Evans's lab and colleagues at the US Forest Service, we are building a suite of tools to facilitate access to the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis dataset in timeseries form.
Our group is working with colleagues at Indiana University and worldwide to build a global database of plant water potential measurements through the PSInet RCN project.
In a continuation of our Incubator work with Laura Meredith, and with additional support from the R Consortium, we built and released an R package for calculating estimated relative volatility values of organic compounds.