Statistical modeling

Estimating Uncertainty in Carbon Stores

Data Science Team
We are working with David More and Yang Li of the School of Natural Resources & the Environment to build an analytical pipeline characterizing uncertainty in estimates of above-ground biomass, to help stakeholders make informed decisions about which data products to use for their needs.

Trends in US Organic Agriculture

Data Science Team
We developed a multivariate hierarchical Bayesian regression model that estimates trends by state, handles missing data, and predicts future growth of organic farming in the US from USDA survey data.


Data Science Team
Automated categorization of rangeland science publications using natural language processing to help rangeland managers find the information they want.

SENTINEL Phytosensors

As part of the SENTINEL: SENsing Threats In Natural Environments project, our group conducted biophysical and ecological modeling to predict the functioning, ecological impact, and physiology of plants that have been genetically modified to act as sensors to detect chemical and biological threats.