CCT Data Science team building!

Last month, our group got together at a couple of events to improve our communication and collaboration skills, advance our mission, and have fun!
First up, we attended a ropes course and dinner at the University of Arizona’s 4-H High Ropes Course. Some friends from the Data Science Institute and local community participated with us. Activities at the course required us to work together to achieve some challenging goals, including getting everyone across a “chasm” safely and span some obstacles at a high height. The dinner, crafted by Garden Kitchen, was very tasty! And we had a chance to chat about some upcoming community events like Tucson ResBaz.

A day later, our group had our annual retreat to do group planning and individual goal setting. We spent two days at the Santa Rita Experimental Range Florida Station, which is a beautiful field station in the Santa Rita mountains south of Tucson. Besides doing some great brainstorming and celebrating of accomplishments, we managed to sneak in a short hike, a tea tasting, and played an escape room game.