Welcome, Eric Scott!

Eric spent his summers during his PhD doing fieldwork in tea fields like this one at the Tea Research Institute in Hangzhou, China
Eric R. Scott
Eric Scott officially joined the CCT Data Science team last week as a Scientific Programmer & Educator. Eric did his PhD work in the Biology department at Tufts University on the impacts of climate change and insect herbivory on tea (Camelia sinensis) chemistry and quality. He then completed a postdoc in the Department of Wildlife, Ecology, and Conservation at University of Florida on the impacts of drought and habitat fragmentation on plant population dynamics in the Amazon. See more about his previous work on his website.
During his time as a graduate student and postdoc he developed skills in ecological modeling, reproducible research practices, and R package development. In addition to having taught biology courses, he developed and taught a recitation section for a Biostatistics course and taught an Ecological Statistics and Data course as instructor of record.
Eric enjoys foraging for wild foods, cooking, and is a tea aficionado and tea science enthusiast.